Local Roof Repair and Insurance Claims: How Does It All Work?

Roof damage often comes after a storm or from aging roof materials. Local roof repair can be a costly project. To help relieve costs, homeowners often rely on their insurance company to help cover all or part of the expense. Our team at John Hogan Roofing has several financing options available that can also help ease your wallet.

Below are frequently asked questions people who need local roof repair tend to ask after experiencing storm damage or other roof issues.

What signs of roof damage should a homeowner look for after a storm?

Roof damage can vary depending on the severity of the storm. High wind or hail can create big problems. 

Missing shingles can be obvious, but the damage may be more subtle such as hail marks that can’t be seen from the ground.
Shingles can be lifted or folded during high-wind gusts. If you notice shingles out of place, you can almost guarantee that other shingles will be affected in the same way if and when high winds hit them.

Call a local roof repair contractor to send a project manager to inspect your roof. They will be looking for shingles that have been creased from being lifted by wind or shingles that are missing their granule coating, which can be caused by hail.

If a homeowner suspects damage, who should they contact first?

Your first call should be to a local roof repair contractor. Many companies offer free inspections and estimates for storm damage claims. Be sure to research a few companies’ reviews and select someone who has a good reputation in the community.

Who is responsible for stopping leaks?

It is the homeowners’ responsibility for stopping the leak. If you have active water coming into your house through a roof leak, call a local roof repair contractor to do an emergency tarping of the roof to prevent further damage.

When it comes to insurance for roofing, who will call in the claim?

The homeowner is responsible for calling in the claim. Our team can assist in answering any questions that insurance may ask and we will provide all documentation needed for the report.

Will my insurance rates increase if I file a claim?

No, your insurance rates shouldn’t increase if you file a claim due to weather-related damage. An insurance company may raise the rates after an entire neighborhood has been affected by storm damage.

How does the payment process work?

There are two major types of residential insurance policies: actual cash value (ACV) and replacement cost (RC):

  • Actual cash value: With an ACV policy, your roof’s value depreciates each year for the life of the shingle. In this policy, you will only receive a check for the depreciated value of your roof.
  • Replacement cost: With an RC policy, your insurance will cover the cost of roof replacement and subtract your deductible. This policy is paid over two installments. The initial check is sent to the policyholder by the insurance company once the insurance adjuster has completed their roof damage assessment. The second check will be sent once the repairs to your roof are completed. It is sent to the homeowner when the insurance company receives a final invoice for payment.

Should I get more than one estimate?

As the homeowner, you choose the contractor you want to do the repairs. Your insurance company may suggest getting more than one estimate, but if you get multiple estimates your insurance company could go with the cheapest estimate and not the best quality option.

Your Search for Local Roof Repair Contractors

Hopefully, you’ll be able to confidently begin your search online, through local listings or by asking your friends and neighbors for recommendations. If you need local roof repair in St. Petersburg, Clearwater or the surrounding areas, contact us for a free roofing quote on your next project.


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